September 16, 2024

Amazon agency vs DIY marketing – Which Yields Better Results?


When selling products on Amazon, sellers face an extensive choice: should they hire an agency or handle their marketing themselves? It’s important to understand Amazon SEO. It’s all about making your product listings appear higher in Amazon’s search results. When your products appear at the top of the search page, more people see them and are more likely to buy them. Amazon SEO involves using the right keywords, creating good product titles and descriptions, and getting positive reviews. It also includes managing your inventory and pricing.

DIY amazon marketing

Many sellers choose to market on Amazon themselves. They handle everything, from setting up their product listings to running ads.

Pros of DIY marketing

  • Cost savings – You don’t have to pay an agency when you do your marketing.
  • Full control – You have complete control over your marketing strategy. You can make changes whenever you want without going through someone else.
  • Intimate knowledge – Nobody knows your products better than you do. This can help you create more authentic and passionate marketing messages.

Hiring an Amazon agency

An Amazon agency is a company that specializes in helping seller’s market their products on Amazon. It handles keyword research, listing optimization, and ad campaigns.

Pros of Hiring an Agency

  • Expertise – Amazon agencies have a deep understanding of how Amazon works. They know the latest trends and best practices in Amazon SEO.
  • Advanced tools – Many agencies have access to sophisticated marketing tools that can give your products an edge.

Which option yields better results?


The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The best choice depends on your specific situation.

  • Budget – DIY marketing might be your only option if you’re on a tight budget. But an agency’s expertise could pay off in higher sales if you can afford it.
  • Time – Do you have the time to learn Amazon SEO and manage your marketing? If not, an agency might be worth the investment.
  • Product complexity – If you sell simple products in a not-very-competitive category, you might do fine with DIY marketing. However, an agency’s expertise could be crucial for complex products or highly competitive categories.
  • Your skills – If you have a background in marketing or are good with technology, you can handle DIY marketing effectively. If not, an agency might get better results.
  • Growth stage – When you’re just starting, DIY marketing can help you learn the ropes and save money. Your agency can help you scale up faster as you grow.

Making your decision

  • How much can I afford to spend on marketing?
  • How much time can I dedicate to learning and doing Amazon marketing?
  • How competitive is my product category on Amazon?
  • What are my marketing skills and experience?
  • What are my business goals? Am I looking to grow quickly or steadily?

You don’t have to stick with one option forever. Many sellers start with DIY marketing and hire an agency as they grow. Others might use an agency to get started and then take over themselves once they understand the platform better. Whatever option you choose, the key is to stay focused on your goals. Whether you do it yourself or work with an agency, successful amazon SEO marketing requires ongoing effort and attention.