September 7, 2024

Investing explained: investment types and how to get started

Making your first investment can be a daunting task. What type of investment should you make? How do you get started? This article will break down the different types of investments and provide you with some resources to help you get started. We’ll also cover the basics of investing, such as risk and diversification so that you can make informed decisions about your investment portfolio.

What is an investment, and what are the different types of investments available to you?

An investment is a form of commitment of capital or resources to achieve income or capital appreciation. There are four main types of investments: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company. When you buy a stock, you become part owner of that company. You can benefit from dividends, which are payments made to shareholders when the company does well. Alternatively, you can benefit from capital gains when you sell your stock at a higher price than what you paid. Stocks tend to be more volatile and riskier than other forms of investments.

Bonds are loans issued by companies or governments looking to raise money to finance their operations. Interest payments are made to you, the bondholder, from the issuer at a predetermined rate throughout the life of the loan. Bonds tend to be less volatile than stocks and can provide more stability for your portfolio.

Mutual funds are professionally managed portfolios of investments by fund managers based on a specific goal or objective, such as capital appreciation or income generation. Mutual funds comprise stocks, bonds, money market instruments and other assets. An essential advantage of mutual funds is that they allow people with relatively small amounts of money to access diversified portfolios that may otherwise be out of reach due to their size.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are baskets of assets that trade like stocks, making them popular for investors interested in diversification without having to research and buy individual stocks. ETFs offer a low-cost way to gain exposure to asset classes such as stocks, bonds, commodities, and other investments.

How do you start investing, and what are some tips for beginners?

The key to investing is researching and understanding the different types of investments available. Investing can be daunting, so start by setting realistic goals and budgeting for your investment plan. It’s essential to understand the risks associated with each type of investment you make and diversify your portfolio accordingly.

If you want to get started with investing, it is best you choose a reputable online platform. For instance, Saxo Investor is a great platform to get started if you’re new to investing. Saxo Investor offers access to a wide range of global markets, allowing investors to build their portfolios in whatever way they see fit.

What are the risks and rewards associated with investing, and how can you minimize your risk while maximizing your potential return on investment?

When investing, it’s essential to understand the risks and rewards associated with each type of investment. The level of risk you’re comfortable taking will depend on your investment objectives and comfort with the markets.

Diversifying your portfolio across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities, is also essential. It allows you to spread out your risk while still having the potential for growth in different sectors. Additionally, consider using strategies such as dollar-cost averaging or tactical asset allocation to help manage risk while potentially taking advantage of market opportunities.

Finally, stay informed about the markets and use reliable sources when deciding your investments. With a careful plan in place and some patience, you can build a portfolio that meets your goals while minimising risk.

What are some things to remember when choosing an investment portfolio or individual investments?

When choosing an investment portfolio or individual investments, there are several things to remember. Consider your objectives and how much risk you’re comfortable taking. Do your research and ensure that the investment product aligns with your goals.

Other essential factors to consider include fees, liquidity, and diversification. Ensure that the fees associated with the portfolio or investments you choose match the expected returns so that you can increase your chances of doing well. Additionally, consider short-term and long-term liquidity needs when selecting investments, as some products may be more challenging to sell than others. Finally, strive for a diversified portfolio so that gains from another can offset losses from one asset class.


Investing can be a great way to become financially secure, but it’s essential to understand the different types of investments available and the risks associated with each. By researching, diversifying your portfolio, and understanding market trends, you can build an investment plan that meets your goals while lowering risk. With the correct planning and patience, you may do well in investing.