September 16, 2024

What Do You Need To Know About Atrophic Scars?

If you are new to the term atrophic scar, then you must know that it is a type of indented scar likely to heal below your normal skin layer tissue. These scars are likely to form when your skin is not able to generate the tissue again. Due to this, it leaves some imbalanced scaring. Atrophic scars generally result due to severe acne or even chicken pox. You need first to consider how many types of atrophic scars (หลุม สิว มี กี่ แบบ, which is the term in Thai) order generally and then decide anything else.

Different Types Of Atrophic Scar Treatment

Atrophic scars are one of the most prominent acne scars which every person generally suffers from. They are mainly divided into some common categories, including rolling scare box care Ice pick. The treatment primarily depends on the type of this car you are suffering from. Atrophic scars are pretty challenging to treat and mainly require different procedures that should be repeated within a given timeline.

You can visit a licensed expert, and they can give you all the treatment and provide the best recommendations to improve your recovery.

Some Of The Most Common Treatments For Atrophic Scars

  • Chemical Peel

Before you learn about how many types of atrophic scars are there, you have to first learn about standard fields, which is also known as the chemical peel. The feeling process mainly involves removing the damaged skin layer by applying some chemicals to the surface. The solution will cause the skin to peel, and a fresh layer will be produced from underneath. The regeneration will decrease the appearance of any scares. Pills can also take some days to weeks to even show improvement. In some cases, the skin might require a lot of time to heal.

  • Fillers

As you might know, how many types of atrophic scars are there, you can go further treatment for soft tissue fillers, which are one of the most prominent treatments, especially if you are dealing with rolling atrophic scars. The therapy is used to increase the indented scar to match the normal skin layer. The fillers will be injected under your skin, and you will get immediate results. The soft tissue filler will enhance the skin volume and also reduce the scarring appearance with time.

Above all, these are some treatments you need to follow if you are suffering from any atrophic scars.